I have included a link in each of the ladies names if they have a site you can visit...stop by their sites and let them know you enjoyed their creations.
Caryl Pawlusiak

Kimberly Congdon made this.
My first card
My second card
Mary Perez made a pop up card .
Mary Perez also made this card.
Mary Ramsay shared these two cards she made.
Haven't we gotten some of the most talented ladies to share their projects?
So what do you think about this adorable image of Bigsby ? Are you excited to get your digital image of Bigsby and see what you can make?
Several images of Bigsby will be offered for sale along with some of his friends.Keep watching for more adorable images there are several going to be available soon.
If you have some artwork you would like to share using Karen's Doodles please send to us through the links under my profile.
Many features will be added as soon as we can get everything working properly, I apologize for the delays just hope you like what you have seen so far.
Welcome to a fun and whimsical place to find some of the nicest hand drawn images by a talented artist-Karen.
Love the websites and the artwork. Thanks for letting me be a part of the launch!!
Karen and Dawn - Congratulations! Your big day is finally here! Great job getting things together, and thanks so much for sending me the image to 'test'! Bigsby is just so much fun to color, with such a wonderful image, creating a card was a breeze! Congrats ladies, your blog is beautiful, and best of luck to you!
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